Arts Award Gold

We can support Unit 1 through volunteering opportunities or work experience days and placements, alongside those available to any visitor to our events and performances. We regularly provide talks and Q&A sessions alongside events for young people.

Unit 1: Personal Arts Development

Part A: extend own arts practice

  • We can advise and support extended practices that involve performance, arts administration (operations and marketing), technical theatre, stage and costume design.

Part B: identify development opportunities within the wider arts sector

  • We offer volunteering opportunities and a limited number of work experience placements for young people.
  • Many of our professional performers and creatives offer Q&A sessions in order to gain greater understanding of their specialist area and we may be able to arrange direct access to them for you.
  • We hold arts careers events and development days open to the public.

Part C: research advanced practitioners and review arts events

  • Through volunteering or work experience young people will get the opportunity to work alongside more advanced practitioners.
  • Many of our events have an educational dimension and we are very experienced in supporting the learning needs of arts award candidates through Q&A sessions and distributing educational materials.
  • Our arts operations and management team are always happy to share information about how a theatre operates. Whilst no financial information will be exchanged research questions into theatre policy, event management, box office, marketing and other operational areas are welcomed.

Part D: form and communicate a view on an arts issue

  • During visits to the theatre, or via email contact we are happy to discuss a young person’s chosen ‘issue’ and will allocate an appropriate member of staff to help as much as possible. Our friendly team are always happy to chat about anything to do with the arts!

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Warwick School
Myton Road
CV34 6PP

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